Empowering each other
with Compliments


Compliment Each Other is a project, movement, safe space and an invitation to you to be proud of the compliments you receive.


It's nice to meet you

Compliment each other is a passion project started by Arna Maria Kristjansdottir.“This project began when I started writing down my compliments in a sketchbook. I had realised I didn’t remember my compliments and I wanted to change that. I wrote my compliment on one page and drew a self portrait on the other side. It was a way to celebrate my compliments and my body.”

Compliment Each Other changes the way people think about compliments. I’d like people to learn to use their compliments to boost their self-esteem and also other people’s self-esteem, instead of making them feel awkward.A safe space for people to be unapologetically empowered in their own bodies and feel proud of their accomplishments.
I invite you to not only acknowledge the compliments you receive but to use them to give yourself a confidence boost, use them in your art or simply be proud of them.

I’d like to see how we can use compliments to not only strengthen people’s body positivity and sex positivity, but also empower them in their careers and other aspects of life. Making it mainstream to genuinely give and actively receive compliments.We want to empower people through Compliments. To teach people to accept and use compliments they receive as a positive drive in their lives. To actively focus more energy on the positive than the negative.“I imagine compliments as being bright and then slowly fading like some kind of magic floating in the air, something that is a bit translucent but sparkly. The compliment disappears unless you decide to grab it and there’s different ways of grabbing it.”

coming soon

compliments diary

Sign up to our mailing list to hear news and updates on the release of our latest compliments diary


We have a limited number of scarves available to purchase
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events & workshops

my next talk

Join me on the 18th of September with Freelance Friends for my next workshop

where you can find me

come say hello

If you would like to work together or discuss a workshop please email me